My child is receiving special education or 504 services, but the school is threatening them with suspension or expulsion.

If your child has a disability, and is facing or has been threatened with suspension or expulsion, you may request an Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meeting in writing to review to what extent your child’s disability relates to the conduct or behavior that is causing concerns. This is called a manifestation determination and is commonly referred to as an ARD meeting. An ARD meeting must be held within 10 days of the school’s decision to suspend or expel your child to make a change in placement.

If a school removes a child from class for more than 10 days in a row, the suspension is called a change in placement. A change in placement can also happen if a child has been suspended for more than 10 days total during a school year and there is a pattern.

Keep in mind that schools may make a change in placement whether or not the conduct was a manifestation of a child’s disability, if a child:

  • Has a weapon at school
  • Knowingly has, uses, sells, or attempts to get illegal drugs at school
  • Inflicts serious bodily injury on another person while at school