I suspect my child may benefit from disability-related services, but they are not in special education or 504.

1. Request an evaluation for special education services in writing. See form 3 on page 74 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) manual for a draft letter.

2. Depending on the time of the school year, the school has 45 days to perform the evaluation, and 30 days following the initial evaluation to convene an Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meeting to determine the specific service(s) from which your child can benefit to help them thrive in the least restrictive educational setting.

3. Following the ARD meeting, the school has 15 days to develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that details the special education and related services that must be provided to each student who receives special education. Parents and school personnel should work together to write the IEP at the ARD meeting. It must be reviewed and revised, if needed, at least every year.

Remember that you have the right to revoke services at any time. Parents should take this decision very seriously and consider all factors related to special education services before revoking consent for services.