Does bullying have to happen more than once to count as bullying? What if the behavior happens online and not at school?

Bullying behavior does not have to happen more than once to count as bullying. Bullying can be one significant act, or it can be a pattern of actions by one or more students. Bullying can happen in writing or verbally, and it includes behaviors which happen online, like posting threatening or abusive words on social media. Even if the bullying behavior is not during school hours and the behavior happened off campus, if it affects the educational environment, it could still be considered bullying under Texas law. For example, if a student posts a threatening, intimidating, or abusive comment on your child’s social media account which makes your child afraid or uncomfortable at school, then it likely constitutes bullying which affects your child’s right to an education. In another example, if your child is approached by another student at an off-campus event who threatens to hurt your child at school, then it is still bullying which affects the school environment, and the school must address it.