What training do school police officers receive?

It is important to remember that, even with this training, officers should not be interacting with students in schools unless there is a real emergency that threatens the safety of students or staff.

Police officers in schools receive the same training and have the same licensing requirements as any other police officer (sometimes referred to as a "peace officer").  Check out those requirements here

As part of their normal training requirements, police officers who work in school districts across Texas are supposed to receive 16 hours of training in: 

  • De-escalation techniques and techniques for limiting the use of force, including limiting the use of physical, mechanical, and chemical restraints
  • Child and adolescent development and psychology
  • Positive behavioral interventions and supports, conflict resolution techniques, and restorative justice techniques
  • The mental and behavioral health needs of children with disabilities or special needs
  • Mental health crisis intervention




What is the Law?

The law that requires larger Texas school districts to adopt an officer training policy can be found in the Texas Education Code, Section 37.0812.

Details about the type of training that must be created and given to police officers in larger school districts can be found in the Texas Occupations Code, Section 1701.262 and 1701.263.